9. Victoria Harbor — Here is Hong Kong!

Victoria Harbor viewed from Victoria Peak

The view over Victoria Harbour from Victoria Peak is to Hong Kong as climbing the Great Wall is to China; it offers the iconic outlook over Hong Kong's "high rise" to success and prosperity.

Victoria Peak is the best spot to have a bird's eye view of Hong Kong. Viewed from the peak, both day and night scenes are worth taking in. See high-rise buildings round the busy Victoria Harbour stretching out towards Mainland China. At night the scenery is gorgeous, when the Symphony of Lights of various buildings dances in unison.

Victoria Harbour, which might be the world's finest, separates Hong Kong Island from the Kowloon Peninsula.  Its deep waters were instrumental in the establishment of a British colony in the early 19th century here and its presence has served to greatly shape the evolution of modern day Hong Kong.

Today, vast numbers of skyscrapers line its shores while traditional junks, ferries, cruise ships and even tankers ply its waters, day and night.

Victoria Harbour also hosts world-class fireworks displays, the most famous being the annual 23-minute display held during Chinese New Year.  It is illuminates the skyline at night, allowing lasting memories and excellent photos to be made of one of the world’s finest harbours.

Hong Kong Skyline (Often Considered the World’s Best)

The prominent feature of Victoria Harbour is the fantastic Hong Kong Skyline is not something easily missed as it dominated much of what you can see from the popular areas where you will likely spent much of your time sightseeing in Hong Kong.

There are many places to view Hong Kong's lovely skyline. The best being the TST Promenade and Avenue of Stars, looking over Victoria Harbour directly at the Hong Kong Island skyline. This image is beautiful in the morning and when the sun is at your back, allowing you to see the skyline with a blue sky behind Victoria Peak. However, the very best time to see the fantastic Hong Kong skyline is at night when the buildings are lit up and reflecting off of the harbour.

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